What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

Dental crowns are caps or covers that are placed over damaged teeth. Aging, injuries, and tooth decay are some factors that cause tooth damage. Crowns are installed to cover, protect, and restore the shape of the teeth. They are usually used in situations where fillings cannot solve the problem. They are cemented over the damaged tooth and cover the visible part of the tooth.


Why You Need a Dental Crown


If you have a weak or cracked tooth, a dental crown will help to protect it or keep it together. A crown can help to restore a broken or severely worn tooth. Crowns also help to cover and support teeth that have large fillings and not a lot of remaining tooth material.

Dental crowns are also used to hold dental bridges in position and to cover dental implants. They can cover teeth that are severely discolored or misshapen. You may need a dental crown to cover a tooth that has had a root canal.


Full or Partial Crowns


There are different types of crowns. Traditional or full dental crowns cover the entire tooth surface, making them ideal for teeth that are severely damaged. Partial crowns are onlays or three-fourths of crowns that do not cover the entire underlying tooth.

Partial crowns may be more appropriate for patients who still have some strong, solid tooth structure. The dentist will remove only the affected section of the tooth before reshaping it to hold the crown.


Temporary Versus Permanent Crowns


Temporary crowns are usually installed as a short-term solution while waiting for a permanent crown. These crowns are often made in the dentist’s office, and they are typically made from stainless steel or acrylic-based materials. On the other hand, permanent crowns are usually made in a dental lab. This usually takes some time, which justifies the need for temporary crowns. Permanent crowns have to be designed to fit snugly over patients’ teeth, so dentists may use temporary crowns in the interim.


Dental Crown Materials


There are several permanent dental crown options, all made from different materials. These include porcelain, resin, ceramics, and metal. Different metals are used for making the crowns. They include gold, nickel, palladium, and chromium. Metal crowns rarely break or chip, making them perfect for permanent or long-term use. The main drawback of metal crowns is the color. This makes them ideal for molars at the back of the mouth.

Porcelain dental crowns can be matched to the tooth color, making them a good option for natural-looking crowns. The porcelain crown is sometimes fused to metal. The downside is that they tend to chip or break off more easily than metal ones. Resin dental crowns are usually less expensive than other types. However, they wear down over time and are more likely to break. All-porcelain or all-ceramic crowns are a good choice for those who have metal allergies.


Stainless Steel Crowns


Stainless steel is often used for temporary crowns. The ready-made crowns protect the tooth while waiting for a permanent crown to be made. Stainless steel is common when creating crowns for children. The crowns cover the primary teeth that need to be protected before permanent teeth emerge. The crown helps to prevent further decay while waiting for the primary tooth to come out naturally.

To learn more about dental crowns, visit Smile Institute Miami at our office in Miami, Florida. You can also call (305) 590-5228 to book an appointment today.

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