When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

While many people opt to keep their wisdom teeth, you may not be as fortunate and have to extract yours. Broken or damaged teeth, gum disease, tooth decay, and overcrowding are reasons why your dentist may suggest a tooth removal.

Tooth extraction is not an easy experience, but it is an important part of preserving the health of your teeth. This is more so in situations where leaving the tooth can cause much more serious health complications. Tooth extraction may be necessary if you experience any of the following issues.

Severe or Irreversible Tooth Damage

If a tooth has undergone severe damage to the point where a dental reconstruction cannot fix it, the dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. This happens when a crack in the tooth spreads below the gumline. In such a case, it is not possible to treat it, and the dentist cannot save the tooth and will need to extract it.

Tooth Decay

Once tooth decay comes about, plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth. This buildup eats into the tooth's enamel, causing it to become fragile.

If the situation becomes worse, the tooth may develop an infection that will cause discomfort, redness, and swelling in the gum. At this point, your dentist may have to extract the tooth and attach a dental bridge in its place to prevent further health complications.

Gum or Periodontal Disease

Just like tooth decay, gum or periodontal disease is usually the result of an accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. The infection that results from this buildup can gradually cause two types of swelling:

  • Swelling of the gums around the affected tooth (gingivitis).

  • Swelling in the tissues and bones surrounding the affected tooth (periodontitis).

If the bone or gum surrounding the teeth wastes away too much, then tooth removal may be necessary. The dentist may then replace the decay with a dental crown or a dental bridge to maintain the health of the surrounding teeth.

Tooth Impaction

Impaction happens when a tooth is trying to grow but is unable to fully come out. This can be because of a lack of enough room in the mouth for the tooth to emerge.

Usually, this is what happens with wisdom teeth — they do not get space to grow straight upwards, so they start growing inwards, pushing against other teeth. This results in discomfort and swelling around the teeth and gums. In such cases, it is best to extract the wisdom teeth before they cause more damage to the other teeth.

Overcrowded Teeth

An impacted tooth can cause teeth to become overcrowded. Overcrowding can cause teeth that were formerly well-aligned and straight to end up crooked. Removing the troublesome tooth can free up space for the rest of the teeth to align correctly without needing braces.

Injury From Trauma

If an accident, such as a car crash, occurs and the injured party requires dental treatment, the orthodontist will try to save the teeth. But if the injury to the teeth is terrible, it may be necessary to extract the affected teeth.

To learn more about when tooth extraction is necessary, visit Smile Institute Miami at our office in Miami, Florida. You can call (305) 590-5228 today to schedule an appointment.

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