Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is Better Than At-home Treatments

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is Better Than At-home Treatments

Many people want brighter smiles, but instead of going for professional help, they settle for at-home treatments. They assume they will get similar results from using at-home whitening kits, which is hardly ever the case. Below are reasons why professional teeth whitening is a better option.


Pre-whitening Teeth Examination


Scheduling a dental appointment before whitening your teeth is ideal. You may have plaque buildup, tartar, or cavities that hinder the treatment from achieving optimum results. It is essential to address your dental problems before starting your whitening treatment. Your hygienist or dentist may also advise you to avoid certain habits that may affect the results. 




At-home treatments are cheaper than professional whitening, but they may cost you more eventually. You may need to use the kits every day to achieve a brighter smile. Professional teeth whitening gives faster and long-lasting results.




Professional teeth whitening treatments are safer than at-home treatments. By visiting your dentist, you become less worried about your oral health. You get quality products that may not harm you. 


At-home treatments increase your risk of damaging your gums, especially if you skip a step. Some people leave the whitening strips longer than the time recommended to get quicker results. However, doing so leads to irritated and painful gums, and you may need to see a dentist for treatment. You can also wear down your teeth's enamel when you leave the strips on for a long time. 


Teeth whitening increases teeth sensitivity for many individuals. Your dentist can use desensitizers, such as fluoride or potassium nitrate. They can also use thicker hydrogen peroxide gels to reduce the problem. Your dentist will use a dental dam to cover your gums during the whitening treatment.


It is essential to note that teeth whitening may not suit everyone. So you need to seek professional help to ensure you are not endangering your life. For example, expectant or nursing mothers should avoid the treatments. They risk exposing themselves to the chemicals used in the whitening products.


Even Color 


At-home teeth whitening treatments do not produce consistent results throughout your teeth. You may notice this if you overuse them. If you have porcelain or composite dental crowns, they may not whiten with your other natural teeth. As a result, your smile may look worse than before you attempted the treatment due to irregularity in color.


Your dentist will ensure the results you receive are excellent and visible. The professional treatments also use carbamide bleaching gel and peroxide at high concentrations. The measure helps whiten teeth faster.


Your dentist may also use a laser over the applied bleaching agent to heat it and ensure the whitening process is even and happens quicker. You will not need to repeat treatment often because all the teeth will look even. You will only go home with whitening trays and toothpaste.


Long-term Results


Your dentist will give you a whitening gel and customized teeth whitening tray to take home. Doing so will help with long-lasting teeth whitening results. Your dentist will advise you to maintain good oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once each day. You may also need to cut back on taking teeth stainers such as red wine to avoid discoloring your white teeth.


For more about teeth whitening, call Smile Institute Miami at (305) 590-5228 to reach our office in Miami, Florida.

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