Teeth Woes: Why Extraction Is Often Necessary

Teeth Woes: Why Extraction Is Often Necessary

You don’t often think about your teeth, but when one aches, it may interrupt your daily activities. In some cases, toothache means tooth extraction is necessary.


What Is Tooth Extraction?


A tooth extraction happens when a tooth is removed from its socket. You may need to have a tooth “pulled” when there is an issue that cannot be fixed through other dental procedures, such as a root canal or fillings.


The extraction procedure can be done under local anesthetic at a dentist’s office or general anesthesia in a hospital. The choice of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the extraction and your medical history.


Why Is Tooth Extraction Often Necessary?


There are many reasons why a tooth extraction may be necessary. One of the most common reasons is severe gum disease, which can cause tooth loss if left untreated.


Bad tooth decay or cavities can also lead to extraction. This is particularly true when the affected tooth cannot be saved through fillings, crowns, or other procedures.


Other reasons for extraction include a deep infection in a tooth, a broken tooth, problems with a wisdom tooth, or overcrowding of teeth due to orthodontic reasons. The dentist may also recommend tooth extraction if you need braces.


What Can You Expect Before, During, and After Pulling a Tooth?


If you need a tooth extraction, the dentist first examines the affected tooth and the surrounding gums. You may also need dental X-rays to assess the extent of the problem.


On the extraction day, the dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area. If the extraction is more complicated, such as a wisdom tooth surgery, a general anesthetic may be used. With a special tool, the dentist loosens the tooth in the gum. Afterward, the dentist uses forceps to remove the tooth from the socket.


You may experience some discomfort, pain, and bleeding, which usually subsides within two weeks. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics or pain relief medication to manage these symptoms. You may also need to be cautious while eating soft foods and avoid physical activity and smoking for a few days.




After your extraction, avoid drinking alcohol and eating spicy or acidic foods. Also, don’t use straws for the first day after the procedure. Rest with your head elevated and apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce swelling.


You must follow aftercare instructions after extraction to reduce the risk of complications. For instance, if you use a straw, the forming blood clot may detach and result in a dry socket.


Speak to the dentist if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, fever, or swelling that does not go down or worsens.


Tooth Extraction Can Make You Feel Better


You might detest having your tooth pulled, but it can make you feel so much better. On top of that, it prevents a range of problems you might sustain if you keep your damaged tooth.


Do you have dental concerns that seem to warrant a tooth extraction? Visit Smile Institute Miami at our Miami, Florida, office. You may also call (305) 590-5228 to schedule an appointment today.

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