When Is the Right Time for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

When Is the Right Time for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final set of permanent teeth to erupt. They frequently erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people never develop them, while others have one to four. But why do people have wisdom teeth if they do not need them? And when should they remove them?


The Problem With Wisdom Teeth


Wisdom teeth are a leftover from human evolution when larger jaws and more teeth helped chew tough food. Today, smaller jaws and softer diets leave no room for these extra teeth. So, wisdom teeth often become impacted, meaning they cannot erupt normally into the mouth. They may grow sideways, push other teeth, or stay inside the jawbone or gum.


Impacted wisdom teeth can cause:


  • Pain

  • Infection

  • Tooth decay

  • Gum disease

  • Damage to nearby teeth or bone

  • Cysts or tumors


The Need for Wisdom Tooth Extraction


The best way to know if a wisdom tooth extraction is necessary is to see a dentist or oral surgeon. They will check the mouth and take X-rays to assess the position and condition of the wisdom teeth.

Not all impacted wisdom teeth require removal. Some may not cause symptoms or problems, while others may cause occasional discomfort. The dentist or oral surgeon will explain the benefits and risks of removing or keeping your wisdom teeth.


Some factors that may affect their decision are:


  • Age: Wisdom tooth extraction is easier and safer for younger people. Their bones are more flexible, and their nerves are less likely to sustain damage

  • Symptoms: Pain, swelling, infection, or difficulty opening the mouth may indicate urgent extraction. The absence of symptoms may allow for waiting and monitoring of the wisdom teeth

  • Future risk: Even if wisdom teeth are not problematic now, they may become troublesome later. Some dentists and oral surgeons suggest preventive extraction to avoid potential complications in the future


The Process of Wisdom Tooth Extraction


Surgery to remove wisdom teeth typically takes place as an outpatient under local or general anesthetic. The surgery may take 45 minutes or less, depending on the number and position of the wisdom teeth.

To expose the tooth and bone during surgery, the dentist or oral surgeon cuts the gum. They will then remove the tooth whole or in pieces. They may also remove some bone around the tooth or cut the tooth into smaller parts to ease extraction. After removing the tooth, they will clean and stitch the wound.


The Recovery From Wisdom Tooth Extraction


After the surgery, some time is necessary to recover and heal. Bleeding, swelling, pain, and bruising may occur in the first few days. Ice packs, painkillers, and saltwater rinses can help.

Rest and avoid strenuous activities for a day or two to speed up recovery. Eat soft foods and drink fluids. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or eat hot or spicy foods. Brush gently and stay away from the extraction site. You must also follow the wound care instructions from the dentist or oral surgeon.


Most people can return to normal activities within a week after wisdom tooth extraction. However, complete healing of the bone and gum may take up to six weeks.




A common dental surgery called wisdom tooth extraction aims to prevent or address issues caused by impacted wisdom teeth. If you are unsure whether you require wisdom tooth extraction, speak with your dentist or oral surgeon.


Every case is different; the dentist or oral surgeon will advise what is best for you. Following their recommendations and taking good care of yourself after the surgery can ensure a smooth and successful recovery.


For more dental care tips, visit Smile Institute Miami at our Miami, Florida office. Call (305) 590-5228 to schedule an appointment today.

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